We have just returned from the Medical Mission in Aflao. The Lord was so gracious to allow us to minister to 4 different villages and GloryLand. We were able to see around 2,000 people. Our main objective of course was to share Jesus with each one.
Thank you each team member from Alabama and Aflao. Without each of you we could not have completed the mission. Some of our older children joined us in ministering during the week. Surprise, Prosper, Mawuko, and Wisdom worked diligently through each day. There is no greater JOY than serving the Lord side by side with your family. We are so thankful for how much they are growing in the Lord and wanting to serve Him.
Many of you who are sponsors must know that our children are so happy to have such a wonderful family back in the U.S. Each time we visit they ask of each of you by name. They are so happy to receive your gifts and more important your letters of encouragement and pictures of their families back in Alabama. JBF would like to thank each of you for sharing your love with them.
We have some very exciting news to share with you. Papa Rooney came during Medical Mission week and the new foundation for the new school has been started. The new school will hold up to 800 children. The multi-purpose building is now overflowing with 113. We are trying to complete four classrooms by November 2015. Anyone interested in joining our Construction Team going in November 2015, please contact us through the JBF website.
GloryLand is truly about “Our Children.” Teaching them who the LORD is and how to follow him and have a real relationship with Him through worship, prayer and His Word. This is the most important purpose for their lives. In return, they too can show Jesus’ love to each other, their community and bring many to the Savior.
We have added several new staff members to JBF in the last few months. We would like to welcome Jenni, our new social welfare representative and our two new guards, Christopher and Mensah. We are so grateful for their willingness to serve through JBF.
Many ask of our prayer needs, please remember our JBF staff as we run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Trusting and obeying the Lord every step of the way, being careful to give Him all the glory and honor!
All to Jesus, Mama Tammy
Psalms 91