The Jesse Brooks Foundation

About Us


Our Mission

To bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to "The Children of the World".

We are located in Ghana. Zuime Aflao is the home of Glory Land School and where we currently house 7 children. God is doing some amazing things right now. He has opened many doors for ministry and the expansion of His Kingdom in this area. Not only children, but people of other religions, widows, and youth have all been on the radar of JBF recently. The school is the number one priority right now because children are key to bringing the Gospel to their parents. Through the school we are able to be out in the communities visiting and building bridges of love. The Harvest is great, but the workers are few. Please pray about how God can use you in Ghana!


Our Story

The Jesse Brooks Foundations was established in 2007 by the family and friends of Jesse. Jesse was part of a mission team which traveled from Alabama to Montana to teach Bible school for the children in that area. While returning home on June 7, 2002 the vehicle which Jesse was traveling in was involved in a tragic accident. As a result of the accident many were injured, one man was paralyzed from the neck down, and sweet Jesse went to be with the Lord. Jesse was 10 years old.

Jesse was a vibrant beautiful young lady, who loved to dance, be with friends, participate in her church, and most importantly share her love of Jesus with others. From 4, Jesse wanted to be a missionary and travel to NY and Africa.

Today, Jesse’s love for Christ continues, through the ministry of her foundation. In 2007, the foundation partnered with Jesse’s home church of Solitude Baptist and Art Alive Ministries to build and support the ”Jesse’s Hope of Glory” located in Ghana, West Africa. This home provides safe haven to many children who have been left homeless as a result of the staggering mortality rate of the adult population in that area. The children are housed, clothed, and educated in a loving Christian environment.

The Jesse Brooks Foundation is a 501 C-3 organization established to carry on the dream of Jesse Brooks to become a missionary.


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